Complete each challenge within series to earn your finishers pip.
Cover a distance of 1km, then immediately perform 20 bodyweight squats. Continue alternating 1km runs with squats, whilst reducing the time limit by 15 seconds per round. The challenge ends when you can no longer meet the time limit.
Target Time
Choose your Movement Variation:
Choose a variant suited to your level of fitness.
Full Squats
Half Squats
Inspired by the British Parachute Regiment's 10 mile endurance test, where recruits must complete their run in full gear, interspersed with physically demanding tasks such as obstacle negotiation or lifting.
Challengers are required to cover a distance of 1km, then immediately drop to perform 20 air squats. Continue alternating 1km runs with squats, whilst reducing the time limit by 15 seconds per round. The challenge ends when you can no longer meet the time limit.
Per Successful Round
Utilise Your Fitness Tracker's Lap Button
To keep track of time, we recommend hitting the lap button after each round.
Set treadmill to 2.5% gradient
It is preferred that you tackle this challenge outside. However, if you are unable to do so, you may use a treadmill to complete the challenge. If you do decide to use a treadmill, you must set the treadmill gradient to 2.5%.
Before submitting, please make sure you have your evidence ready. Submit evidence for all of the challenges in the same challenge series by the deadline below to earn your Finishers Pip.
Found on your latest membership purchase confirmation email.
It is highly recommended that you complete the challenge within 7-days of its issue, however, we will accept submissions right up until the end of the series deadline detailed at the top of the page.
This is a brutal physical challenge for which you are responsible for your own health and safety. It is imperative that you read through, understand and follow our health and safety guidelines before you embark on your challenge attempt. This list is only a guide. It is your responsibility to take the appropriate health and safety measures during the attempt of a challenge.
Consult a physician
You should consult a physician before you begin any strenuous exercise program, such as the one described on this website, especially if you have or suspect that you may have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other adverse medical conditions. If you feel faint or dizzy at any time while performing any challenges or exercise, stop immediately and seek medical evaluation.
Plan your route
On running challenges, we strongly recommend planning your route with online running route planners. This leaves out the guesswork, allowing you to know the distance and elevation before you embark on the challenge.
Let others know
When performing any challenge, we strongly recommend you let a friend or family member know what you are doing and where and when you are doing it and what time you are expected to return incase you face any difficulty.
Carry a mobile phone
We strongly advice that you carry with you a fully charged mobile phone and back up battery if possible.
Bad weather
Keep an eye on the weather forecast.
Nutrition and hydration
You are responsible for your own nutrition and hydration as this is a self-disciplined event. Please ensure you have enough fluids and food or adequate access to these. Click here to read our guide on fuelling correctly for this challenge.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.