Terry Rosoman

Terry Rosoman

Rokman Founder

Terry Rosoman

Well-being entrepreneur and over-the-hill challenge athlete aiming to inspire healthier living with fortitude.

Key achievements

My Story

My journey began with a love for fitness and a penchant for challenges, sparked by my first half marathon at the age of 22 in 2007. Despite my outward appearance as a high achiever—graduating from university with a degree in graphic communication, and juggling full-time work as a graphic designer alongside freelance gigs—I found myself ensnared in the culture of binge drinking.

To the casual observer, it might not have been evident that I struggled with alcohol. I didn't drink daily, but when I did, it was to excess. There seemed to be no off switch. As the years passed, recreational drugs entered the picture, exacerbating my downward spiral. Eventually, I hit rock bottom. Living a nihilistic existence, I was overweight, out of shape, mentally unhealthy, and devoid of purpose or meaning in my life. For a year or two, I languished without taking action, aware of my unhappiness but too mentally weak to pursue the difficult path of change. Instead, I gravitated toward the familiar solace of the pub.

It was challenges that offered me a lifeline, a means to reignite my motivation and find a purpose greater than the fleeting distractions of drinking and drugs. I embarked on my first white-collar boxing fight after committing to 12 weeks of intense training. Shedding nearly 3 stone and achieving peak fitness, I had transformed my life. This newfound dedication had a ripple effect, propelling me to complete my master's degree, secure a better job, and even find love with my future wife.

As the years passed, I observed a growing number of individuals around me grappling with mental health challenges stemming from the relentless pressures and constraints of modern life. Having experienced firsthand the transformative power of goal-setting and physical challenges, I realized I had a message worth sharing—a message of resilience, purpose, and the profound impact of embracing life's challenges head-on. Thus, the seeds of Rokman were sown, driven by a deep-seated belief in the ability of personal growth and physical endeavors to uplift and empower individuals amidst life's trials and tribulations.

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